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Capturing the essence of the rancherías and towns. Discover the beauty and life of different communities through our photographs and videos.
Join us on this journey of exploration and cultural connection.


Huicochi Community

It is located in the municipality of Uruachi approximately 32 km from the municipal seat.

The community has 5 homes and less than 8 inhabitants, the terrain is rugged, being a large slope with abundant ravines, it is ideal for animal husbandry as it has extensive vegetation with trees.

that protect from the cold and the sun.

From the road you can see the hills of El santísimo and el Muleto,

The river of “El Cajón” is contemplated towards the depths.

Huicochi is a name that comes from the Rarámuri language. Its meaning is “Green Water”.


©Knowing Communities 2015


Cusarecuta Community

It is located in the municipality of Uruachi approximately 21 km from the municipal seat.

The community has 19 homes and around 40 inhabitants,

The town is located on the side of a hill with a great view of the river that passes through Uruachi.

The children attend a “Conafe” school that offers community preschool and primary services.

The inhabitants are mainly dedicated to planting corn and beans and raising animals such as Chivas.


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Celayna Community

It is located in the municipality of Uruachi approximately 27 km from the municipal seat.

The community has 9 homes and between 8 and 12 inhabitants.

It is a small community where the main source of livelihood is agriculture,

animal husbandry and the fruits of trees. A stream runs through the middle of the town and provides water to the animals and plants.


©Knowing Communities 2016


Rincon del Toro Community

It is located in the municipality of Uruachi approximately 28 km from the municipal seat.
This community has around 30 inhabitants and 14 homes. History says that there was a bull in the place

which was very rough and the landform is literally a corner, hence the name
The main activities are agriculture, raising goats and sheep, selling livestock, and hunting animals.
and the production of goat cheese.


©Knowing Communities 2016


Guazarachi Community

It is located in the municipality of Uruachi approximately 27 km from the municipal seat.

The community has 3 homes and 5 inhabitants. The main activities are the planting of corn and beans,

the raising of sheep and goats from which the meat and milk to make cheese are obtained.

The name of this community is of Raramuri origin which means: Place of fallow land.


©Knowing Communities 2016.


Los Alisos Community

It is located in the municipality of Uruachi, approximately 34 km from the municipal seat.

It is located 15 minutes from Huicochi and borders two rancherías that are almost together: Las Chinacas and Tierra Blanca. It can be said that it is the same community, in which there are 9 houses and about 3 families live there.

The community has a warm temperate climate, where you can find orange and lime fruit trees, surrounded by abundant alders.


©Knowing Communities 2018.

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Map of the municipality of Uruachi

Communities Visited

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