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Name Meanings in Rarámuri

Our Rarámuri ancestors gave names to most of the places and settlements, now towns and communities, in the State of Chihuahua.

In 1982, the state deputies decided that the names of all municipalities and indigenous communities would be simplified to facilitate their pronunciation and writing. Article 125 of the state constitution and article 11 of the municipal code were modified to eliminate the letter “c” at the end of the original names of the communities.


Many meanings were lost over time due to the miscegenation and oblivion of this Indigenous group.


In a long search we have found an effort made in May 1908 to find the meanings of these names.

Mr. Alfonso Toro carried out an investigation that sought the meaning of the names of Rarámuri origin used in the state of Chihuahua. Extensive debates were held with descendants of Rarámuris to arrive at the most accurate meaning for these names, all of them perfect connoisseurs of the Tarahumara language.

We are currently continuing to investigate the true meanings

of our communities in the municipality of Uruachi,

All information collected will be published on this website and on our social networks.

The data presented here is supported by the research presented in the book:

"Bibl. Annals of the National Museum of Archaeology, History and Ethnography, Volume II (Fourth Era)".

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